Sunday, November 19, 2006

Filipino and PROUD!

The fight is over and Manny Pacquiao once again has emerged as the Philippine Hero for this day and age. What I loved most was how he kept saying that he won this fight not only for himself or for his family, but for the entire Philippine nation. After seeing Morales down on the 3rd round, I felt goose bumps all over my body! The last time I had that feeling was when I saw the late Pope John Paul II up front in his second and final visit to Manila. I know they are entirely different people, but the feeling of love that was outpouring not to one's self but to others was the same concept as Manny Pacquiao's as to the late Pope's love for our country.

What I liked most also was that Manny kept thanking his higher power...GOD. His mother raised him well to instill his faith in God and to never forget HIM in all his endeavours. It was quite a day today for all the Filipinos around the world. To all the Filipino artists, athletes, businessmen and entrepreneurs who have made a difference for our country I salute you and because of you I am truly proud-er each day to wake-up as a Filipino :)

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