Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sink or Swim

I had the priveledge to chat with my Entrepreneur guru and my classmate today. we didn't only talk about school stuff but surprisingly, life in general. It's rare to talk with your teacher about life or anything outside of a school topic, some teachers won't even dare help you out in a love crisis. But this teacher would go out of his way to answer questions of your personal pursuit to happiness to how to conquer your own life. The list can go on but to me these are questions that have been clouding my mind, and finally I get a piece of tranquility after a wonderful conversation over YM.

So, do you sink or swim? Personally, I'd like to think that I'm a swimmer when I face whatever comes my way in my life. But of course, there are certain things that I know I can't take control of. How do I handle them? How do I get through these things? I can't. Just let it go...and ride the wave. I guess what's key to handling those tough situations are to just totally surrender the situation to God and do the best you can to at least alleviate your own pain. Dramatic? well, that's just me :)

There are certain times where I feel I'm just staying afloat. I hate it when I have those moments, I know patience is a virtue. It also pays to be patient because the best things in life come to you when you are patient enough at the right time too. In the current state of my life, I already know what I want and how to get there...problem is, anything can happen in life. And not all you plan does happen. After all, you are not the final say as to what happens to your life... God is the only one that has the final say. I just hope and pray that when my life is over and I get to reach the gates of heaven, I can actually face my creator and tell him how I lived my life and I also hope I have lived it as he willed it for me to be lived out :)

I think I'm going in circles! My point is, whatever it is that comes to your life...just enjoy the ride and at the same time try to course it as to how you want to live it out.

Peace out!

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